We are back in school full time, daylight savings time is here, the snow is gone and we are just a few days from the first day of spring. Hopefully, here at school, we will have no more snow days, two hour delays, or early dismissals, and we will be able to stay on track to complete this course, on time, in full and with good games to show for the work of the students.
I have at least one team interested at this point in competing in the stem contest (creating a game about Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math,) and hopefully, the other two teams will opt to compete as well.
There was a fund raiser for Randy Stephens this week. I attended and was pleased that Randy was able to attend as well. I was able to talk to him for a while to catch him up on what has been happening in the class. He told me he hopes to be participating again as soon a his recovers from his treatments. He has been following the E-mail trail as we set up our teams, he knows the team he is on and he knows we have set it up so he can contribute as much as he feels he is able to contribute, as his health permits.
We are pulling for him and the students all want him back in the class ASAP. I'm sure not as intently as Randy and his parents would like to see him back in class. Hopefully, we'll all get our wish sooner rather than later.